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Pellets - an intelligent alternative for mobile heating

Gas and oil still dominate the market as energy sources for mobile heating systems. However, wood pellets offer numerous advantages over fossil fuels in terms of sustainability, efficiency and cost. In this article, you will find out what makes pellets special and what benefits they offer.

What are pellets?


We introduce

Pellets are cylindrical sticks, about 25 mm long and 6 mm wide, which consist of wood residues such as sawdust, wood shavings or damaged timber. In rare cases, maize starch is also added. Depending on the region, consumers have a wide choice in terms of the types of wood used and also the origin of the wood.


If you pay attention to the environmental balance, buy pellets from regional sustainable forestry or exclusively from sawmill by-products. For example, the PEFC seal indicates that the wood comes from sustainable forest management. In addition, pellets must fulfil certain standards in many countries and regions, such as DIN EN 17225-2.

  • What is the PEFC seal?

    Zuklappen Learn more

    PEFC is the world’s largest independent certification system for sustainable forestry. Wood and paper products with the PEFC seal are proven to originate from ecologically, economically and socially sustainable forest management.

    Visit page

    External site:
    PEFC Switzerland

  • What is DIN EN 17225-2?

    Zuklappen Learn more

    This standard specifies the quality-related fuel classes and specifications for classified wood pellets for non-industrial and industrial use. This document applies to wood pellets produced from the following raw materials:

    • Forest and plantation wood and other natural wood
    • Industrial waste wood
    • Chemically untreated used wood
    Download standard sheet

    External site:
    Download for a fee

  • Quality for the environment

    The standards ensure compliance with ecological and technical requirements – in the area of sustainability, for example, the minimisation of environmental impact and, in the area of quality, aspects such as heating value, water content and diameter in order to guarantee efficient pellet combustion.

  • Quality for the service life of your heating system

    The heating properties of the most common hard and soft woods hardly differ from each other. To protect the heating system, however, care should be taken to ensure that the pellets are made from untreated wood with the lowest possible mineral content. A high mineral content, such as in pine wood, can lead to increased ash formation and deposits during combustion, which can damage the heating system. Spruce wood, on the other hand, is very low in minerals and is therefore preferred for high-quality pellets.


What are the advantages of pellets?

When it comes to mobile heating in particular, pellets can score over fossil fuels in several areas:


Benefits for the environment

Pellet heating systems consume less energy than oil and gas heating systems. From extraction and transport to combustion, pellets produce significantly less CO2 emissions than fossil fuels. The high heater value of pellets is optimally utilised thanks to the advanced technology of our pellet heating systems. In addition to efficient filter systems, they now also offer comprehensive control over the combustion process and thus maximise efficiency.

Pellet heating systems have the advantage over oil heating systems that they can be operated in water protection areas without a special licence.

Support local produce

Choosing pellets made from regional sawmill by-products also contributes to the efficient use of wood, including its waste products. And the short transport routes also have a positive effect on the environmental balance – and on the local economy. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, often have to be transported over long distances, which is associated with high energy consumption and environmental pollution.

Emissions from energy source materials in comparison
  • Energy source material

    CO2 emission*
  • Fuel oil

    0,226 kg / kWh
  • Natural gas

    0,201 kg / kWh
  • Wood pellets

    0,036 kg / kWh
  • Biogas / biomethane

    0,152 kg / kWh
  • Brown coal

    0,383 kg / kWh
  • * Fact sheet from the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Energy: Energy-related optimisation of systems and processes, federal funding for energy efficiency in industry (as at 01.12.2020 – Switzerland)


High efficiency, high safety

Wood pellets have a high energy density, which means that they can store a lot of energy in a compact form. This makes storage, transport and handling easier. Leakages, for example, do not play a role compared to oil and gas.

Regardless of the type of wood, the heating value of pellets is approx. 5 kWh/kg.
  • Spruce

    5,3 kWh / kg
  • Pine

    5,2 kWh / kg
  • Beech

    5,0 kWh / kg
  • Maple

    4,9 kWh / kg

Modern pellet heating systems have a high efficiency of up to 90 per cent compared to conventional heating systems. This means that most of the energy from the pellets is converted into usable heat. The heaters can also be serviced remotely and fed automatically. This saves time and effort and ensures an even and efficient combustion process. The output can also be precisely adjusted to the heat requirement in order to minimise energy consumption.


Suter offers exactly such modern devices so that you can heat your mobile home more efficiently.

To our products


Stable price development

In terms of price per kilowatt hour, pellets are one of the cheapest energy sources. The pellet price is also less susceptible to fluctuations, as it is hardly affected by geopolitical events.

Prices March 2024
  • Electricity
    28,26 Rp / kWh
  • Natural gas
    15,36 Rp / kWh
  • Pellets
    8,37 Rp / kWh
  • Fuel oil 10.59 Rp / kWh
    10,89 Rp / kWh
  • Source:

Development over the year 2023


    • Legend
    • 1
    Continuous increase
    • 1
      Natural gas
    Higher base price
    • 1
      Fuel oil
    • 1
    Stable development
Greater independence,
less maintenance

Pellets can be produced regionally and renewably. They are less susceptible to supply chain problems due to the short transport routes and are therefore also less dependent on developments of the international energy markets. Their high heating value ensures lower fuel consumption compared to fossil fuels and therefore also lower heating costs. In addition, modern pellet heating systems are low-maintenance and have a long service life, which also means lower maintenance costs.


That's why pellets are an intelligent alternative

  • More eco-friendly and efficient

    In terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency, wood pellets offer clear advantages over fossil fuels, e.g. in terms of production, transport, pollutant emissions, heating value and efficiency.

  • More sustainable for the planet

    The use of pellets from sustainable production actively supports the expansion of renewable energies, thereby increasing the proportion of sustainable energy sources in the energy matrix. Pellets are therefore not only a practical and efficient, but also an ethically responsible and sustainable option for mobile heating.

  • Independent & regional

    Furthermore, pellets are one of the most favourable forms of heat generation for the foreseeable future, as they can be produced locally and renewably and are largely independent of geopolitical events.

Further questions about pellets or their procurement?

Suter can provide you with comprehensive support for the procurement of pellets for your Suter heating solution or for more specialised questions. Among other things, we can establish contacts with local certified pellet partners and support price negotiations.

Simply contact us now using our form.

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