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Step 1 Location

We need the location of your project for the calculation.

Please select a location from the search results.
Step 2 Object

Use templates for rough estimates or use the advanced view for detailed information.

Upload documents (optional) PDF, JPEG or PNG allowed - 0/8MB - 0/10 Please note the requirements.
Step 3 Project

Select and configure one or more of the following services.

  • Hot water Drying of underlay floors
  • Hot water Temporary marquee heating
  • Hot water Local heating network
  • Hot air Hay Drying
  • Hot air Building temperature control
  • Hot water Building temperature control
  • Hot air Facade heating
  • Hot air Event heating
  • Hot water Industry
  • Hot air Industry
Please select at least one project.
The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
Outdoor temperature

Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

  • Coldest day
    0° C
  • Ø average
    0° C
  • Warmest day
    0° C
Modules For this project
    Very good Poor
    Rare Frequent
    The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
    The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
    Outdoor temperature

    Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

    The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

    • Coldest day
      0° C
    • Ø average
      0° C
    • Warmest day
      0° C
    Modules For this project
      The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
      The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
      Modules For this project
        The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
        The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
        Outdoor temperature

        Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

        The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

        • Coldest day
          0° C
        • Ø average
          0° C
        • Warmest day
          0° C
        Modules For this project
          Very good Poor
          Rare Frequent
          The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
          The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
          Outdoor temperature

          Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

          The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

          • Coldest day
            0° C
          • Ø average
            0° C
          • Warmest day
            0° C
          Modules For this project
            The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
            The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
            Outdoor temperature

            Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

            The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

            • Coldest day
              0° C
            • Ø average
              0° C
            • Warmest day
              0° C
            Modules For this project
              The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
              The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
              Outdoor temperature

              Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

              The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

              • Coldest day
                0° C
              • Ø average
                0° C
              • Warmest day
                0° C
              Modules For this project
                Very good Poor
                Rare Frequent
                The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
                The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
                Outdoor temperature

                Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

                The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

                • Coldest day
                  0° C
                • Ø average
                  0° C
                • Warmest day
                  0° C
                Modules For this project
                  The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
                  The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
                  Modules For this project
                    Very good Poor
                    Rare Frequent
                    The project starts too early. We need at least 1 days lead time.
                    The project has a minimum duration of 1 days.
                    Outdoor temperature

                    Please enter an operating period to obtain weather data.

                    The following weather is expected at the project location during your specified period:

                    • Coldest day
                      0° C
                    • Ø average
                      0° C
                    • Warmest day
                      0° C
                    Modules For this project
                      Your configuration Summary

                      Please check your entries. If everything is correct, we need a few more details about you.


                      The name must be between 2 and 24 characters long.
                      The name must be between 2 and 24 characters long.
                      Please enter a valid e-mail address.
                      Please enter a valid telephone number.